The Use of Folklore and Folk Literature Elements in the New Hittite Turkish Teaching Set for Foreigners

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Foreign Language, Turkish Teaching, Folklore, Folk Literature


While language is a means of communication among a nation, it is also a means of reflecting the culture, folklore and literature of the society to which it belongs. Language teaching consists of providing four basic skills. Reading, listening, writing and speaking skills, which are these four basic skills, are also the most important step in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. While students learn four basic skills, they also learn about Turkish culture.

It has been stated in the studies conducted on this subject that the transfer of cultural elements in language teaching is a precautionary issue. In foreign language teaching, besides language teaching, cultural transfer should be given due importance. Otherwise, the student will not have learned that language completely. In this direction, in this article, the textbooks of Yeni Hitit Turkish Teaching Set, Yeni Hitit 1 (A1-A2), New Hittite 2 (B1) and New Hitit 3 (B2-C1) were examined and unit titles, reading texts, listening texts and other texts were examined. folklore and folk literature elements included in the activities were tried to be determined.

Language teaching is not only teaching the four basic skills that enable communication, but also a cultural transfer. While learning a language, the culture of that nation is also learned. This issue should be considered while preparing course materials in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. In addition to the Turkish language, the materials used in the lessons are fairy tales, legends, traditional plays, folk tales, poetry, etc. Visuals and texts reflecting Turkish culture such as traditions and customs, food, clothing, as well as genres should be included. Enriching the course materials with such visuals and texts will make the language taught more permanent.


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How to Cite

Özer, M. Şirin. (2023). The Use of Folklore and Folk Literature Elements in the New Hittite Turkish Teaching Set for Foreigners. BURANA - Journal of Turcology Studies, 1(1), 13–22.


