The Problem of Word Formation in Turkish Philology from Past to Present

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The Turkish nation’s language, culture, history, etc., whose origins go back to ancient times it has been a nation that has attracted the attention of researchers in many ways. The general name of the research conducted in this field is Turcology. Turcology is a field formed by the coming together of many disciplines. Turkology includes language, history, geography, folklore elements. Research in the field of Turkology in Turkey began in the 19th century and accelerated with the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. The Ottoman Empire neglected this field for centuries, but with the spread of nationalist movements around the world, Turkology revived in Turkey. Although Turkey was late in this field at that time, research conducted in Europe and Russia had come a long way. Especially under Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union, from Siberia to the Caucasus, from Turkestan (Central Asia), and even to China, everything related to Turks was studied in all the places where Turks lived.

The most basic unit in a language is a word. It is mentioned in lexicology that words gradually become old and forgotten, their meanings change, meanings, expand and new words appear. The process of replenishing and enriching the lexical base of the language with new words takes place through the corresponding morphological phenomenon, that is, through word formation. Linguistics is one of the units of Turkology. Word formation is a separate field in linguistics. In the field of linguistics, N. M. Shansky, V. V. Vinogradov, E. A. Zemskaya, E. S. Kubryanova, I. S. The works of Ulukhanov, A. N. Tikhonov, A. N. Soboleva and others were published. A lot of valuable information related to the problem of word formation in Turkology is provided by foreign scientists; K. Grönbeck, V. Bang, G. Vambery, G. I. Ramstedt, K. Brockelman, J. Deny, V. Kotwich, Ryasenen, A. Zayonchkovsky, A. Emre, B. Atalay and others are found in the works. 

In this study, we will focus on word formation in Turkology. We will focus on the study of word formation in general linguistics and Turkology.


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How to Cite

Çelik, F. (2024). The Problem of Word Formation in Turkish Philology from Past to Present. BURANA - Journal of Turcology Studies, 2(1), 59–71.


