Şerhin Metninden Metnin Şerhine: Türkçe Şerhlerden Hareketle Klasik Türk Şiirinin Anlam Dünyasına Katkılar V
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Text, Commentary, Meaning, Classical Turkish Poetry, DivanAbstract
Turkish commentaries are texts prepared to read and understand Arabic and Persian classical texts in Turkish. In these commentaries, there is information on areas such as linguistics, lexicology, history, geography and rhetoric. Turkish commentaries are of great importance for understanding the texts of Classical Turkish poetry, even if this is not the case. In order to understand the meaning world of classical Turkish poetry better, it is necessary to consider and examine literary interpretations written in the same period. Because the couplets in which the poets are shown in various tricks can hold some words that lost their old meaning today. The literary and cultural material contained in the commentary texts will contribute to the emergence of such meanings. As a matter of fact, it is possible that encountering one of the old meanings of any word in the lines of a commentary.
In this paper, it will be referred to the meanings of 10 (ten) new words and compositions we selected from the Sudi of Bosnian’s commentary texts, and these meanings will be processed by moving from the sample couplets selected from the divan poem. Thus, a text will be explained with the help of another text and the prominence in understanding the classical Turkish poetry of the Turkish commentaries will be again revealed.
In this article, the words and phrases of âfiyet, bed-zehre, bîgâne, dest, efsûs, gerdenfirâz/gerden-efrâz, gülbe/külbe, halbe, semen, ser-endâz, which are selected from the three great commentaries (Sharh-i Golestan, Sharh-i Bostan and Sharh-i Divan of Hafez) of Bosnian Sudi, are not in dictionaries or not well known or overlooked their meanings, were studied. These meanings are supported by appropriate samples selected from divan poets. The examples were translated into language and information about the world of meaning was given.
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