A Philosophical Examination of Human Dignity in Chingiz Aitmatov’s Face to Face
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Chingiz Aitmatov, Face to Face, Human Dignity, ValuesAbstract
Philosophy and literature are two distinct fields that influence and contribute to each other within literary discourse. This interaction allows from both philosophical and literary perspectives. This study explores the thematic concept of "human dignity" in the work Face to Face by Cengiz Aytmatov, one of the representatives of Contemporary Kyrgyz Literature, and reveals its philosophical representation. Human dignity is also one of the most significant elements that constitute a person’s value. The study discusses the thoughts of various philosophers, including Kant and Ioanna Kuçuradi, regarding human dignity, attempting to define it. By questioning the differences between the concept of dignity and other concepts often confused with it, the study also clarifies what dignity is not. Therefore, based on a philosophical inquiry into the concept of human dignity, the study concludes that humans should act in a way that both aligns with and preserves human dignity. In light of this conclusion, Face to Face is analyzed, and it is determined that the character Seyde in the novel exemplifies the preservation of human dignity in a philosophical sense. Seyde’s act of revealing the whereabouts of her husband, Ismail, to the soldiers, is evaluated as an action that both preserves human dignity and holds moral value. This study demonstrates that examples of the protection of human dignity, emphasized in Western sources, can also be found in Kyrgyz Literature. Through this analysis, the aim is to contribute to understanding how concepts such as morality, value, and human dignity are treated in Kyrgyz Literature from a philosophical perspective.
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