The Relations Between the Safavid and the Adilshahi Dynasties in the 16th Century

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Safavid Dynasty, Adilshahi Sultanate, Shi’a Islam, Diplomatic Relations, Cultural Exchange


This article explores the relations between the Safavid and Adilshahi dynasties during the 16th century, focusing on their diplomatic, cultural, and military interactions. The connection between the two states was grounded in both religious and political factors, particularly with the rise of Shi’a Islam under the Safavids. Although the Adilshahi Sultanate was not a theocratic state, the adoption of Shi’a Islam and the influence of Safavid Iran in the region led to strong diplomatic ties between the two. The article discusses the diplomatic missions, military alliances, and the significant migration of people from Iran to the Deccan Plateau, which further strengthened cultural and political relations. Despite occasional interruptions, particularly during periods of internal conflict within the Adilshahi Sultanate, the bond between the Safavids and the Adilshahis continued until the late 17th century. The cultural, scientific, and architectural influences that persisted after the fall of the Adilshahi Sultanate attest to the lasting impact of this relationship. The Safavid-Adilshahi connection played a key role in shaping the history of the region, with significant implications for trade, religion, and politics. In this article, we will delve into the depth of these relations and thoroughly examine the factors that contributed to their development. Despite the presence of numerous states in India at that time, some of which had trade relations with Iran, why did the Adilshahi Sultanate, located in the Deccan, stand out in terms of its relations with Iran? What similarities and overlaps can be found between the Adilshahi Sultanate and the Safavid Shahdom in Iran in terms of their policies? The answers to these questions will be sought in this article.

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Как цитировать

Taştan, T. K. (2024). The Relations Between the Safavid and the Adilshahi Dynasties in the 16th Century. БУРАНА - Журнал тюркологических исследований, 2(2), 122–130. zenodo.14567841


